Thursday, December 1, 2011

About My Topic

My Topic is about the immune system.
This Issue interests me because I want to find out how to cure it because a lot of people are getting sick of it and i want to stop it.
I want people to learn how you can protect your self from not getting it and less problems.
because I think it important because I think my aunt died from that also breast cancer.
This issue needs to be addressed because it very important to get help if you have this.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Update the blog Imagining your game

  • WHO are you designing your game for? (Include the player's age, abilities, and prior knowledge of your topic.)   I am designing my game for teenagers so that maybe my game can teach the and they wont have that problem wth this disease like 12-18.
  • WHAT will your game teach the player about your topic? (Be specific!)  It well teach them about the immune system and how to take care of it .
  • WHERE does your game happen? 
    • Describe the world you will design for your game. It will be like things floating around and pick the good things that would make you healthy if not you will get sick.
    • How will this setting add to the learning experience? It will be colorful and stuff that is pretty and interesting.
  • HOW does your game world teach the player about your topic? It will teach them how to take care of themselves and not get that diseases. 
    • What happens in the world that helps the player learn?Well you will try to go through  all the obstetrical and try to get away from all the stuff  that is bad.
    • How does the player use what they learned to make something happen in the game? Well they can get to jump and run walk and all of that.
  • WHY is a game a better way of understanding your topic than a quiz? It is less complicated because they learn more from the game then a teacher saying it up in the front. That why i think it easier to learn from a game then a quiz 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How To Properly Cite A Website

This is how to cite a source that you find on the internet.

 A source without anther listed
Interventional Radiology Treatments for Liver Cancer. About liver cancer. Retrieved November 8,2011.Interventional Radiology Treatments for Liver Cancer 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Choosing A Topic: Possible Research Topics

AIDS,Heart Disease,Obesity,juvenile Diabetes, Scoliosis,Skin Cancer.
Air Pollution,City,Rural Areas,Water Pollution,Water Contamination,Fish,Sea Life,Ecosystem,Drought,Water Shortage, Overpopulation, Plastic Bag Bottle, Deforestation, Animal,Planets,Trees,Human,Birds,Poverty,Drug, Endanger Species, Poaching. Alternative Energy, Wind,Solar,Thermal,
engineering , technology, Cyber Bulling ,
Animal Abuse,Over Fishing,
carbon dioxide,

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

March of the penguins

1.what challenges do the penguins have to overcome ? Some of the challenges are that they have to overcome the freezing cold and the survival for food because they have to wait for the girls to get back and then eat. So that something that they have to overcome.

2. How dose their habitat challenge their livelihood each day? Well it is a challenge because when they have there little egg they can freeze up and there little baby egg dies and it really sad.

3. What type of adaptation do penguins need in order to survive brutal winters and predictors .They need to grow fur and they need to know how to be able to get awaye from predictors to be able to survive .

4. why is there a period of time in which there is practically no sunlight ? it is because it is winter and it makes the climate get really cold and the sun dose not come out . when it is summer the sun never seats.

5. So the ice need to be solid because when the mother gives the egg to the dad they have to take care of the egg and the ice has to be strong enough and they can fall.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

playing to learn game review

  • What did you learn from your choice of games and genres to review? So what I learned about this to games that I choose to review 

  • Name any game features that stood out to you, either because they were interesting or because they could be improved.

  • Write down any questions you have about the game or genre you chose. You might answer them yourself later!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Playing To Learn;Genre: Sports & Racing

1. The Game that taught me a new skill or subject:  Gravity it really did not teach me any thing :).

2. The Game that taught me information about a new or existing social issue: Gravity did not really teach me anything. bullseye did not teach me anything. IT DID NOT REALLY TEACH ME ANYTHING.
 banana dash did not teach me anything at all.
3. The game or games that I liked the best: I really liked this game gravity because it really cool. I did not like this game at all bullseye:(. I REALLY LIKED THE CHASE. banana dash i really liked this game becuaeit like your trying to get to the bear.

4. What happens in the game or games: you try to get the ball to pass through the thing . you got a bow and arrow and try to make it on the target but i could not do not even i target. YOU TRY TO GET THROUGH THE RACE WITH OUT CRASHING. Banana Dash you just need to get the monkey to the bear with banana .

5. How you play the game or games: you use your mouse Gravity:) .

you play with your mouse bullseye :( . YOU PLAY WITH THE ARROW KEYS. Banana Dash you play it with the arrow keys 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Playing to Learn Genre:Strategy

1. The game or games that taught me a new educational skill or gave information on a subject: ayiti the cost of life. Draw the play

2. The game or games that taught me about a new or existing social issue:  It thought me about poverty. it really did not teach me anything .

3. The game or games I liked best: I liked this game a lot because it is very interesting. I really liked  this game becuase you have to use your brain to think

4. What happens in the game or games: you basically make the parent go to work and the kids to school so you can make money but at the sometime you have to take care of the kids and losing money because there paying to go to school

5. How you play the game or games: 

Friday, October 7, 2011

Playing To Learn;Genre: Puzzle and maze

1. The game or games that taught me a new educational skill or gave information on a subject: Chemistry 101 Soup bubble 

2. The game or games that taught me about a new or existing social issue:  it thought me more about chemistry and how to make science equation. soup bubble did not really teach me any social issue .

3. The game or games I liked best: i think that i liked this one chemistry 101 I liked this game because you are trying to get the bubble through the mazes.

4. What happens in the game or games:
well you go through all this step and make like different compounds and you get to the end you have to answer the equations. you try to get through  the mazes

5. How you play the game or games:  you just answer the equations. you just try to get the bubble through the mazes with it not popping 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Playing To Learn;Genre:ADVENTUER

1. Game that taught me a new educational skill or gave information on a subject:  Super Chick Sisters

2. Game that taught me about a new or existing social issue:
animal cruelty

3. Game I liked best:
I really liked this game because it really cool and it teaches you about animal cruelty

4. What happens in the game:
you try to kill the evil hamburgers and try to save the prissiness5. How you play the game: 
you use the keys up down right and left.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Playing To Learn;Genre:Actions

1. Game that taught me a new educational skill or gave information on a subject:  I think that it was survivor because it is like trying to get away from people .2. supper chicks sisters 

2. Game that taught me about a new or existing social issue:
It about the people in the concentration camps. like animal cruelty

3. Game I liked best:
I liked this one the best the survivor. i liked the supper chick cruelty
4. What happens in the game:
You have to get away from the soldiers you have to escape to get out of there. you kill the burgers and then the bigger chicks can help you 
5. How you play the game: 

So what you do is very easy you just have to get the little man away from the solders. that is how you use the up down left right to move and that it and it kind of an action /adventures.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gamers Solve Scientific Problems

How did gamers use the computer game Foldit to solve the protein folding mystery? It helps scientes because they got to work with like by mixing them and stuff like that and figure things out. 
Who can participate in this problem solving and be a player in Foldit?  Anybody who wants to help figure this mystery out.
What can critical thinking do for science? It can help you find thing out by thinking really clearly.

If you could sol
ve a mystery through gaming for any kind of disease or illness in the world, what would it be? I think it would be cancer because a lot of people have died because of that including my aunt so i would make a game about cancer. Try to figure out a cure.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Mini Game 2011

Was it hard to make your mini game? No it was not hard to make my game it was really easy because we learned it all last year
 What was the best part of this topic? That you get to see how the bunny eats the carrot and the wolf eats the bunny
 The worst part?I did not like the part of tying to upload it and how i would get confused. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2 Single Story 2011

"Danger Of a Single Story"
 will growing up she would only read books that had white people.Then she moved to us and she had a roommate and her roommate though that she did not speak English and that she listened to like tribute kind of music. When she went to Mexico she thought that she would see people crossing the border and drug dealers but when she went she was walking through Mexico she noticed that she had been believing the single stories because as she walked through the street she saw people laughing going to the grocery store and just like any normal life. she was so ashamed that she was believing the single story. she lived a very happy life will growing up but slowly she noticed that the food was despairing because it was getting was getting to expensive but either she had n awesome child hood filed with laughter and a lot of smiles
What does it mean to have a 'single story' about a place or community?  That means that you only believe things that people tell you about someone or someplace and don't really pay any attention to what is really important or really true.
Describe a single story you have heard told about your community. What is missing from that story? How could people learn more about that community? Well what they say is that the community is bad you will only see like bad people and kids drooping out and doing drugs. What is missing is that there are actually some very smart people and not only is there gang violence and not only are there drug dealers but if you really dig deep you will actually see some very smart people and not only see what is obvious 
  Describe a single story you have heard about another community. How did you learn that story? How could you find out more about that community? Well what i have heard is that the west side is only were the rich people live but i don't believe that.
How could a game let players experience many stories about a place or community. well they can be thought the rules and like the same way people can learn about all around the would 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1 cyberbulling 2011

This is my first blog post of the 2011-2012 school year.

What is a cyberbuly? Cyberbulling is when peopel make fun of you or imbares you on the computer.

What are the difrent types of cyberbulling? The diffrent type of cyberbuling is impersination and Gossip, Exclude, Threatening.

What should you do if you are being cyberbulling? Tell an adult and block the user so you wont see what they are saying.

What are some resones people cyberbully others? They sometimes do it becuase they feel powerfull or look cool.

What is taylor attitude towerd clickster in the beging of the story. She thought it was dumb.

What type of relationship dose she have with her family? She has a close relationship with her family but she hates her brother becuase he wrote thing on her clickster.

what type of freindhip dose she have? She has a good frendship in till taylor tells her friends thatshe likes this boy and her best friend get jelosse and makes a fake profie to get back at her and to try to get her awaye from the boy that they liked.

when dose the cyberbulling begin? when she posted her picture and she created her clicksters.

What id the resualt of the cybebulling that taylor exprienses? she actialy tryes to kill her self so that she get awaye frome it all she gets so tired becuase she get it all day every day.
What type of cyberbulling dose taylor experimence?  Impertianation.

What would you do if you were in taylor shoes. Tell them to stop and tell someone that you trust.

How dose taylor react to the mean comment people keep posting about her? she gets so upset and tryes to kill her self and stop going to school and less fashinalbal.
Dose she ever try to stop people frome posting insults? What could she have diffrently. yes but they still did it and also she could of printed it out and showed it to people. 

How o you think taylo felt about her friend betry her . she was really sad and disaponted that she did that.

What kind of changes do you see taylor experiences through out the film. That she grows as a persone and fells more confident about who she is and all that and for the first time she actially standes up for her self and every body else .

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


This friday we are going to schlitterbahn and I have never been but the day after tomarrow i will be going with all my friends and like genevieve,iliana,beto,rosimarie,and alot of people and i can wait to go the only thing im am worred is that i cant swim but oh well i dont care im still going to get on all the rides i cant wait

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Apollo 13

1967 there was a fire in the space ship . On July 20,1969 the first man walked on the moon called Neil Armstrong. I really liked this movie becuase it is very awsome but it starts out all happy that they are going to the moon bet then it get sad becuase they have an explosian and then they have to come back home and it is very sad becuase it like takes him like 7 days to go home and a lot of people are very sad .Apollo 1's crew--Virgil I.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Lighting Thief by Rick Riordan

So the book that we read is called The lighting Thief by Rick Riordan. The chapter I Accidetally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher. I really like this book becuase it is like cool I think.So what happend is that that Mr.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I love winne the pooh

I love Winne The Pooh he is like sooooooo cute.  Ever since I was a baby I love d Winne The Pooh. I love the way he is sooo chubby and he is like so cute. He also has a lot of friend and I imagen my friends there all my bff is Genevieve is pooh and Lauryn is pigelet.and i am tiger.and Rosemarie is eore.♥♥I LOVE WINNE THE POOH♥♥♥

Monday, May 16, 2011

My game

So unfortunately I did not get to finish my game because. I needed so much help with putting my game on another page. So that you could play my game.I could not figure it out so i did not finish my game.  If I had gotten help making another page for  my game. I think my game would of been better than just going instructions and back.  I think it would at lest made it to the nommanes and I think that maybe i had a littel chance to make it and win a laptop with flash on it and i would of been soooo happy

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Today we went on our last service learning trip and it was kinda cool . We went to pick up trash .The part that I hate the most is that i repet my pants.and i scrached my leg as i reped my pant .S0 it final today is the worst day of my life.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Today was sooo fun becuase I had an awsome time with my friend's. My friend are Genevieve AKA sister,ILIana .B. AKA best friend,Grecia AKA BFF,Lauryn AKA sis, ALE AKA sis Estefani AKA sis those are all my friend and more but those are my top 6.My friend that are boy are Salvador, Victor,Beto,Donald,Lupe,Jose, Pablo,Marcos,.That it that all my friends and more .

Friday, April 29, 2011


I really liked the movie Stand and Deliver because it really cool movie and it really teaches you that you can do no matter who you are nor were you live . This movie is also a little bit races becuase they thought that they cheted becuase they actialy got good grades.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

♥♥The Big Test ♥♥

How I feel about the TAKS is I just want to get it over with. I am so nerveous with the math.I also think that i will get commended on the reading test it soooo positive that i will pass. I don't know about the MATH becuase i'm really bad . I have less than like a low grade

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

♥♥♥IPads for kids ♥♥♥

That is so cool becuase they don't have to use pencial. Unsted of useing notebook and haveing to carry all those book they just have to carry that littel Ipad. I wish that our school had that becuase that is really cool we would not be bord in all our classes. I don't really like math so that why i wish that we had becuase maybe i could probably be better at math and get better.♥♥♥♥

Friday, April 15, 2011

Game Demo Progress

The progress that I have made is that I have colerd the windows and have wrote on it it is like soo fun becuase unsted of putting it hear on blogger I put it on the screan of what you have to do and all that like the rules and what to do how to win and all that stuff and I also change the background.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

  • Intro screen: JERRY THE MOUSE

  • Team Introduction: The person who created this is Karla. Audience: My audience is 10 to 14 it really fun and that they are perfect for that age. Game play: So you have to feed the mouse and if you get all of them right then the mouse will thank you at the end.So how you win is easy all you do is drag the fraction and drop it to the correct bowl and that all that you basically do. The goal is to feed the mouse in time so that he will be able to eat and he will be happy.Learning Goal: They will learn how to make fraction to decimal or decimals to fraction.Learning Goal: How to make a decimal to a fractionFun Factor: You get to feed a mouse and that funSmart Factor: how to change fraction to to convert fraction to decimals.Style Factor:  you will see mouse and cheese. you will hear like kind of music that will be kind of annoying. Originality Factor: I'm the only  who has a mouse and that it colorful.I think it will sell because it is cute and some people like to do math games.
  • Monday, April 11, 2011


    So the game i was playing that i liked that i would like my game to look like that it looks pretty cool.So what the game is called is construction falls becuase it like has a sort of difficult but fun to challange your self and i want my game to be challenging but not to hard and for it to be fun and difucult .

    Friday, April 8, 2011


    I have made alot of progress becuase I by myself made the cheesse drag and drop. I also helped alot of people like Norma,Grecia,Jonathan,Donald,Jessica

    Thursday, April 7, 2011


    Today I read this article and i really like it because i wish Obama would come to our school because we are almost going to be taks time in 3 more weeks. Alot of kid including me are scared and maybe he can help us feel more confident.

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥Blogging about blogging♥♥ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥♥

    What I would say is is that we can probably get better grades in like writting becuase you just give us a topic and we would writte about it blogging can also would probably get better grades and more kids would probably pass taks

    Thursday, March 24, 2011

    Whatever It Takes ♥♥♥♥♥:)

    Today we wached whatever it takes.It takes place in the bronx senters for sciene and math. The school name is dartmouth collage and they are preparing for collage.They had a 78% i think passed.that a kind of big improvment.

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011


    So the game I played is called copter and I really like it I hope that I can put obsticuls in my game. and can make some of the thing fly and bummp in to things

    The wizard !!!!!!!!♥)

    The movie I'm watching is called the wizard. The characters are jimmy  parent were gonna put him in a home.He really wanted to go to California.But his parent would not let him go.So every day he would escape and try to go to california. He wanted to go becuase that was probably the last time he got to see his sister and that part was sad I starded crying.♥♥

    Monday, March 14, 2011


    Antagonist The bad guy. In the movie of Cinderella the Antagonist in the movie is the step sister's and stepmother.

    Characterization How the author describes the characters the story.They describe Cinderella as nice sweet sing beautiful.The stepmother they describe her evil mean harsh. the two step sister's Anastasia and Gizela. The father is conceded nice,loving to his daughter Cinderella.

    Characters The people or animals in the story.In the story Cinderella the characters are ,Cinderella,fairy godmother,father,stepmother ,stepsisters

    ClimaxFeeling of eximent. When Cinderella was going to the ball i felt exited and i think Cinderella did to.

    Conflict The problem .The conflict in the movie Cinderella is the stepsisters how there always telling her to do stuff that she dose not want to do i think,

     Exposition Mood,Characters,Setting,Point of view. The setting in the story is in the garden ,ball ,in her room,.when she first got out of bed she felt good, calm then the clock rang and she got mad


    First person Uses "I" or "We".In the story of Cinderella I think that this story used first person.

    Genre Fiction,Nonfiction,Mystery,Romance.The genre is fiction and a Little romantic.

    Mood Feeling the reader gets when watching.I got sad when Cinderella was crying because her stepsisters trashed her dress so she could not go to the ball

    Plot The sequence of even reading.So what happened in the story is a little girl and her father who got married to an evil stepmother so when he died.Cinderella saw a part of her mother she had never seen she was getting ready for the ball but she didn't know what to were s she got some cloths from her sisters and made the to a beautiful dress as she walked out they tour them to shreds.She was sad she ran out side and they all around her were this little glitters dancing around she was sent to the ball with the most pettiest dress but she only had to midnight.

    Point of view The way the story is told .The story is told by the opening of a book so by opening the book it is kind of telling you what will happen.

    Protagonist the good person.♥Cinderella♥ ,Fairy godmother.♥

    Setting The place and time of a story.The setting where it takes place is in a faraway land full of tradition.

    Theme Author's message.That no matter what you live throgh or how mean someone is to you .you can alwayes love.

    Third person "He" "She" "It". I don't think that thnk they are using third persone .

    Tone Writer's attitude.Cinderella nice and sweet.stepmother scary ,stepsisters both mean and lazy.

    Symbol Word or object that stand for another word or object.Dark room somrthing bad is going to happen.Sparkales good thing is about to happen.Songs  something good happenis

    Flashback Past events durring certian times. there ae no flashbacks

    Atmosphere  mood and feeling.In the story of Cinderella so far the mood is happy.

    Foreshadowing  Clues of what is going to happen next. In the movie cinderella the movie is foreshadowing becuase it is open a book

    Plot Twist When something unexpected happens.In the movie Cinderella something unexpected happens becuase she married the prince.

    Alliteration word with some sound.There is no alliteration.

    Allusion To see a story or fairy tale in another fantesy. Thery is no other fantisy story

    Dialogue  Convesation between charecters .She has a convesation with her sisters her mother and mouse.

    Irony Saying onething will meaning the opposit. when Cinderella was talking good about the cat but she was acuatialy ment the other diferent 

    Irony Situational  When the revers of the expected happens.There is none i think well I dident chace it

     Personifaction when object are given human charecters .The movie has one the mouse the are given the voice so they can talk

     Repetition more than one sound word or phrase sentence or rythm.There is none in this story.

    Sarcasum humor is used that actually means the opposite of what is siad .I did not find any in this story

    Author Purpose The resone the aurthor write's it.To share a story of how a litel girl found true love.

    Charcter Flat A person who is only gready or cruel  .The only ones that are evil are stepmother and stepmother and the cat.

     Charcter Round/Dynamic Has a good and bad side I thnink that Cinderella

    Confliet External Struggle between a charcter and an outside.I think there is none.

    confliet Internal man .v. self .Thery is none

    Imagery All five senses.I did not find any.

    Irony Dramatic when the reader is awaer of the situation.The reader knows that cinderella is going to the ball but the mother and the sistrs don't know that.

    Metaphor camping of two unlike things not using "like " or "as"I did not find any

    Onomatopoeia mimic the sound they describe like hiss,buzz,bang. The  cat scrached the dog and the dog barked [rooofffff]then  the cat screamed [meowwwww]

    Resolutionwrapping up losse ends. The prince get married with cinderella

    Simile A camparison of two diffrent things or ideas  using the word like or as .There is no simile in this story.

    Friday, March 11, 2011

    Spring break!!!!!!!♥♥=) ROCKS♥♥♥♥

    No I don't have any plans only have to do homework I was going to go to the movies with ♥Genevieve♥,♥Ryan♥,Victor,Salvador and Beto,,but my mom did not let me go :(♣♥♥♥♥♥

    Tuesday, March 8, 2011


    So in 5 years I would be 16 and in high school but I don't know which one.In 10 years I would be 21 and be doing my carer as a docter.In 15 years I would be 26 and working and be married .After that I would be happy and as the years pass by i would staret geting old.NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!and then i will die


    Monday, March 7, 2011

    Paper Prototype Reflection

    I sort of know what to do on flash after. I made my paper prototypes and it was sooooooo easy.Well it was sort of hard but really hard to do.

    Friday, March 4, 2011


    So what happening today on friday is that there so much drama going on and omg I was almost late for globaloria just for putting on my shoes .

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    Paper Prototype video

    This game is about a mouse and you have to feed it the fraction and put it to the right decimal and that it.If your right the mousie get to eat if you get it wrong then he wont eat.

    Monday, February 28, 2011


    So what I liked about the performance was that thery were alot  of performances and the one I liked the best is the girl who was sing her name is T fly the next one was the dancers

    Friday, February 25, 2011

    Malcom X

    We are waching malcolm x and that he wanted to change the way people thoaght.   People thoaght that black people were bad that they did not need the the same right as white people.Jone f kenndy was trying to do the same but he got shot will he was driving and malcolm got shot will he was starded to talk and they didient evan let hi talk mthat was soooooo sad because they were anoyed because hi was talking bad about white and how they were bad to them and a white girl came up and told him if he could help and he siad no .

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011

    More Thoughts On Globaloria

    So what I used to have alot of troble with tecnloagy because I did not understand what in the world was I supose to do but no I know more and get it and i'v gotton faster and better at typeing and have learned more how to go on the internet and find what i'm looking for

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

    Globaloria Reflection :) !!!

    1. One thing I have learned in globaloria is how to work on flash and make cool and awsome desings favorite thing about my globaloria class is ... that we get touse a computer and it really cool we get to have a gmail and wiki

    3. I think in globaloria now will help me in the future becuase I have learned alot of thing and how to use the computuer more better

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    Mad Hot Ballroom!!

    So the main idea is that the little kid were learning how to dance.  There not there because they are forced to be there they want to be actorus or dancers. I'm really happy because the indigo team won.

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    Answer the following questions in 1-2 complete sentences:1. What did you learn from playing Oregon Trail? To learn how to takeing care of  your family.
    2. What did you like most about the game? i like the hunting becuase it fun to race animal and try to kill them.
     3. What did you like the least about the game? that you can die
    4. What are some ideas from the game that you could add to your own game?

    Please think of at least two the tool bar to esacpae  and the hunting

    Tuesday, February 8, 2011

    Mad Hot Ballroom

    So the movie we were waching is called mad hot ballroom and it about these kids who can dance alot of dances unfortantly the green team did not win. I think that they dance pretty goodand that all

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    Oregon Trail #1

    1.Who do you think this game was made for? I think that it was made for 6th and up.

    2. What does the player see and do? You have to try to get to Oregon and with all your family
    3. What are the rules and how do you win?  That you have two click and you only use the keyboard two right numbers
    4. What is the goal of the game?  you try to get to Oregon and with almost all your family
    5. What will the player learn by playing this game? that you really need to take care of  your family

    6. What makes this game fun for the player?  it makes it fun because it is sorta hard.
    7. What kind of graphic/animation are in the game? a carage and a store
    8. What kind of sounds are in the game? music and it really annoying
    9. What makes this game special and unique?  you only use the keyboard
    10. Why will it sell? i think that it will sell because it is very catchy

    Friday, January 28, 2011

    About Friday

    So today i'm tired I want to go home soooo bad still in school and i'm sooooo mad at every body except my friends my friends LAURYN,NORMA,MONICA, ILIANA GENEVIEVE THIS are all my friends that are girls


    What I think is that it very easy to work in group but it has there ups and downs.  You might want something but your team might want something else. So that's what are some bad thing that about being in a group.Some advantages are that you get to have a lot of ideas. You have some one that can help you if you are stuck on something.

    Thursday, January 27, 2011

    1. What is the name of your character? ALE
    2. What is the age of your character?133. Does your character have any pets? If so, what kind and how many?SHE HAS 1 PUPPY 4. Does your character have any brothers or sisters  SHE DOSE NOT HAVE ANY  BROTHER SISTER 0
    5. What does your character look like? SHORT CLUMSY6. What hobbies does your character have? CHESSE 7. What other interests does your character have?NOTHING8. What does your character like to do the most? GO TO SCHOOL9. What is your character’s least favorite thing to do? SKIP SCHOOL10. What are your character’s beliefs? THAT EVERY ONE LIKES HER11. Is your character outgoing or shy? YES SHE IS SHY12. Do other people enjoy being around your character?NO SHE IS ANOYING13. What does your character like to do in his/her free time? STUDY14. Does your character like to read short stories or books? If yes, what kind of short stories or books does your character like to read? ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS IN SCHOOL15. Does your character like to write short stories or books?YES16. Is there any other information about your character that you need to know? NO

    Monday, January 24, 2011

    The PACT

    So what the movie is about is three docters who grow up in new york ,new jersey. What I learned is that you can do any thing that you want no matter what race or gender.Not really I dident have any connection. How did they make it with all that bad stuff where they live? Where they ever afraid  of bing assented when they were growing up ?

    Wednesday, January 5, 2011


    ♥♥♥My winter break well I went to Tennessee and it was fun because it snowed which was sooooo fun being able to play with the snow we went to the movies and we didn't get back in till like 3:00 in the morning and my aunt all went out side to throw snow balls at us I almost got hit with a big snow ball we were up in till 5:00 playing with snow it was fun going to Tennessee but the bad thing is that we didn't celebrate Christmas we were stuck in a house were no were to go it was boring sometimes:(♥♥♥☻☻☺☺and that what I did