Wednesday, November 2, 2011

March of the penguins

1.what challenges do the penguins have to overcome ? Some of the challenges are that they have to overcome the freezing cold and the survival for food because they have to wait for the girls to get back and then eat. So that something that they have to overcome.

2. How dose their habitat challenge their livelihood each day? Well it is a challenge because when they have there little egg they can freeze up and there little baby egg dies and it really sad.

3. What type of adaptation do penguins need in order to survive brutal winters and predictors .They need to grow fur and they need to know how to be able to get awaye from predictors to be able to survive .

4. why is there a period of time in which there is practically no sunlight ? it is because it is winter and it makes the climate get really cold and the sun dose not come out . when it is summer the sun never seats.

5. So the ice need to be solid because when the mother gives the egg to the dad they have to take care of the egg and the ice has to be strong enough and they can fall.

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