This is my first blog post of the 2011-2012 school year.
What is a cyberbuly? Cyberbulling is when peopel make fun of you or imbares you on the computer.
What are the difrent types of cyberbulling? The diffrent type of cyberbuling is impersination and Gossip, Exclude, Threatening.
What should you do if you are being cyberbulling? Tell an adult and block the user so you wont see what they are saying.
What are some resones people cyberbully others? They sometimes do it becuase they feel powerfull or look cool.
What is taylor attitude towerd clickster in the beging of the story. She thought it was dumb.
What type of relationship dose she have with her family? She has a close relationship with her family but she hates her brother becuase he wrote thing on her clickster.
what type of freindhip dose she have? She has a good frendship in till taylor tells her friends thatshe likes this boy and her best friend get jelosse and makes a fake profie to get back at her and to try to get her awaye from the boy that they liked.
when dose the cyberbulling begin? when she posted her picture and she created her clicksters.
What id the resualt of the cybebulling that taylor exprienses? she actialy tryes to kill her self so that she get awaye frome it all she gets so tired becuase she get it all day every day.
What type of cyberbulling dose taylor experimence? Impertianation.
What would you do if you were in taylor shoes. Tell them to stop and tell someone that you trust.
How dose taylor react to the mean comment people keep posting about her? she gets so upset and tryes to kill her self and stop going to school and less fashinalbal.
Dose she ever try to stop people frome posting insults? What could she have diffrently. yes but they still did it and also she could of printed it out and showed it to people.
How o you think taylo felt about her friend betry her . she was really sad and disaponted that she did that.
What kind of changes do you see taylor experiences through out the film. That she grows as a persone and fells more confident about who she is and all that and for the first time she actially standes up for her self and every body else .
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