Monday, November 26, 2012

Presenting Hidden Objects

The Big Idea-My learning topic is that they learn how to be 

safe in the science lab . What I want for them to learn is that 

they should not be acting crazy in the science room and to be 


Research -  I went to google but I could not find anything so 

I went to DogPile and I found a lot of stuff .

Making Decisions- Well they changed a lot because I had an idea for my game but I could not transfer them to my game so I really did not come out the way I wanted it to.

Mastering Programming-In reality none of them helped me out because I wanted to put a you win and you lose screen but I could not it did not work and so i just have a timer and a thing that counts the points.

Overcoming challenges-The most challenging thing is that I could not get the you win and you lose to work that was the hardest thing  to get to work. I really did not overcome it because now I just don't have a win or lose screen. I think I am most proud of my hidden objects drawings .

Thursday, November 8, 2012


The things that I over came was well I guess learning how to put a timer on your game and maybe when we do are real game I could probably put in a timer but I learned because of my friend she thought me how to do that(Monica<3!!!!) Thanks. Also I tried to make a splash screen but that did not work that well because instead of helping me it made my game a total mess and I think I have to stat not from the begging but like before I put the splash screen on.:(

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I think it was pretty easy to put in the code because Iv been here but at first it was complicated then I got help from a friend(Monica)and then I got the hang of it.
What I plan on adding next to my game well I added a timer that is you don't finish at a certain time you lose and that probably it oh... I tryed to put a splash screen but that did not work out.  

Monday, November 5, 2012


Since iv been here for 3 years it was kind of easy because I kind of know what all the tools do and it was not that difficult. I learned to use the pencil tool because I have nerved use the pencil tool in till this year and I kind of like like it.  

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Paper Prototype

I guess it was kind of fun to make a paper prototype because it like the first part of  making a game but it was very difficult because trying to think of something to draw or what your game is going to be about so that why i chose to do a science theme because I thought that that was going to be the easiest thing to do and it was kind of  fun.